The Biblically Correct Podcast is also available on YouTube, featuring Kevin’s live recording and helpful visuals for a fuller teaching experience. Find the episodes below, or subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Ep. 75 | Why We Need the Holy Spirit (Spirit Series Pt. 3) (32:34)

Ep. 74 | How the Holy Spirit Connects With Us (Spirit Series Pt. 2) (31:28)

Ep. 73 | Who Is the Holy Spirit? (Spirit Series Pt. 1) (28:07)

Ep. 72 | NON-Inspirational Bible Quotes – Kevin’s Favorites! (21:34)

Ep. 71 | Hope in a Hopeless Election (21:52)

Ep. 70 | Why Christians (& Messianics) Don’t Want to Follow the Real Jesus (24:20)

Ep. 69 | Did a Preincarnate Jesus Really Appear in the OT? (25:43)

Ep. 68 | Is the Trinity Actually a Biblical Doctrine? (27:34)

Ep. 67 | 3 Bible Study Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make (21:49)

Ep. 66 | Are You Being Messianic JEWISH or Messianic JUDAISM-ISH? (21:49)

Ep. 65 | Go & Make Converts? Why Discipleship Is Dead (27:41)

What’s next for the podcast (2:13)

Ep. 64 | 5 Things Most Every Jewish Person Doesn’t Know (20:39)

Ep. 62 | Divorce & Remarriage: What the Bible Does (& Doesn’t) Say (32:42)

Ep. 61 | Why I Say “Yeshua” Not “YAHSHUA” (19:32)

Ep. 60 | Should We Say God’s Sacred Name יהוה YHVH? (34:34)

Ep. 59 | How to Find the Bible’s Unwritten Principles (24:46)

Ep. 58 | Biblical Belief Is Near Extinction (20:48)

Ep. 57 | How to Do Biblical “Church”… WITHOUT a Church! (Called-Forth, Pt. 7) (35:51)

Ep. 56 | Communion: What the Bible Really Says (28:59)

Ep. 55 | The True Purpose of Church (Called-Forth, Pt. 6) (21:24)

Ep. 54 | How the Book of Ya’aqov (James) Can Transform Your Faith (15:56)

Ep. 53 | WHEN the Biblical Church Should Meet (Called-Forth, Pt. 5) (22:16)

Ep. 52 | WHERE the Biblical Church Would Meet (Called-Forth, Pt. 4) (19:47)

Ep. 51 | Are Gentile Believers in Yeshua (Jesus) Part of Israel? (Part 2) (30:23)

Ep. 50 | Are Gentile Believers in Yeshua (Jesus) Part of Israel? (Part 1) (34:58)

Ep. 49 | The Organic Structure of Biblical Church (Called-Forth, Pt. 3) (32:38)

Ep. 48 | Who Is a Jew? (What the Bible Says, and Why It Matters) (28:38)

Ep. 47 | What Is the True Church? (Called-Forth, Pt. 2) (16:41)

Ep. 46 | The Rapture and the Salvation of Israel (29:13)

Ep. 45 | Why You Should Never “Go to Church” (Called-Forth, Pt. 1) (16:24)

Ep. 44 | Reaching God Without Religion (18:17)

Ep. 43 | 6 Non-negotiable Beliefs for Uniting in Messiah (28:36)

Ep. 42 | Are Messianic Gentiles 2nd Class Citizens? (20:20)

Ep. 41 | What Can Passover Teach You About Your Identity In Messiah? (20:08)

Ep. 40 | Should Messianics Keep Jewish Tradition? (24:57)

Ep. 39 | Bearing the Standard, Pt. 3 of 3: Why You Must Stand Up for the Word of God (17:43)

Ep. 38 | Bearing the Standard, Pt. 2 of 3: The Hostile Influences That Keep You From Following God (23:15)

Ep. 37 | Bearing the Standard, Pt. 1 of 3: Why You Need the Scriptures (17:40)

Ep. 36 | Celebrating 20 Years of Ministry! Perfect Word’s 20th Anniversary Episode (21:26)

2022 | A Special Thank You PLUS BLOOPERS! (5:49)

Ep. 35 | Messianics Are Missing the Point of Chanukah (21:32)

Ep. 34 | 10 Principles for Correctly Understanding the Bible (25:42)

Ep. 33 | Can You Be a Believer in Jesus But Still Not Be Saved? (20:14)

Ep. 32 | 5 Great Features of the MJLT Messianic Bible Translation (24:34)

Ep. 31 | 5 Strategies for Answering Unbiblical Beliefs (22:28)

Ep. 30 | 6 of the WORST WAYS to Interpret the Bible (29:49)

Ep. 29 | What Judaism Gets Wrong About Rosh Hashanah (31:45)

Ep. 28 | Why I’m NOT a “Christian” (22:00)

Ep. 27 | Can We Both Logically & Spiritually Understand the Bible? (21:39)

Ep. 26 | What Do Messianic Jewish Leaders Believe? (26:03)

Ep. 25 | Is the Bible Open to Personal Interpretation? (19:47)

Ep. 24 | Why Jesus Is NOT Coming Back (As Soon As You Think) (22:49)

Ep. 23 | The One Bible Question You Should NEVER ASK (26:16)

Ep. 22 | The Problem with Being “Messianic” (25:34)

Ep. 21 | Are We Supposed to Take the Bible LITERALLY? (25:26)

Ep. 20 | American Civil Liberties: Is Fighting for Freedom Biblical? (25:26)

Ep. 19 | Secondary Resources for Bible Study: More Harm Than Good? (31:47)

Ep. 18 | What Judaism Gets Wrong About Passover (24:03)

Ep. 17 | The Best Way to Correctly Interpret Scripture (30:58)

Ep. 16 | The theology that’s “rotting the Church from the inside out” (27:29)

Ep. 15 | Bible Study Tools: Everything You Do (and Don’t!) Need (25:08)

Ep. 14 | Is Yeshua (Jesus) HUMAN—Just Like Us? (29:56)

Ep. 13 | Is Yeshua (Jesus) really God? (32:44)

Ep. 12 | Does God Really Have a Son? (24:49)

Ep. 11 | Does the Bible really mean what it plainly says? (24:51)

Ep. 10 | How does the Bible say we should treat ONE ANOTHER? (30:25)

Ep. 9 | Why you need CONTEXT to understand the Bible (30:06)

Ep. 8 | Why do believers in Yeshua (Jesus) continue to sin? (24:56)

Ep. 7 | Which Bible version has the right translation? (28:57)

Ep. 6 | The Jewish People: Irrefutable Proof of God (26:47)

Ep. 5 | The ONLY Biblically Correct Answer to Every Bible Question (27:42)

Ep. 4 | What Is the Meaning of Life? (22:06)

Ep. 3 | Is the Bible really the true, perfect word of God? (26:47)

Ep. 2 | Why I Say “Yeshua” Not “Jesus” (22:40)

Ep. 1 | Does correctly understanding the Bible really matter? (20:37)

PILOT | Does the Devil Really Come to Steal, Kill and Destroy? (22:52)