In this week’s Messianic Jewish Bible study, Josiah and Hosea Geoffrey explore the Torah Portion “Vayish’lach” (Genesis 32:4(3)-36:43), which follows Jacob back into the land of Canaan, where he wrestles with God Himself, reconciles with…
In this week’s Messianic Jewish Bible study, Josiah and Hosea Geoffrey explore the Torah Portion “Vayetze” (Genesis 28:10-32:3(2)), which recounts God’s promise to Jacob at Bethel, Jacob’s marriage to Laban’s daughters, the birth of Jacob’s…
In this week’s Messianic Jewish Bible study, Josiah and Hosea Geoffrey explore the Torah Portion “Tol’dot” (Genesis 25:19-28:9), which describes Isaac’s sojourn among the Philistines, as well as the rivalry of twins Jacob and Esau,…
In this week’s Messianic Jewish Bible study, Josiah and Hosea Geoffrey explore the Torah Portion “Chayei Sarah” (Genesis 25:19-28:9), which concludes Abraham’s story as he buries his wife Sarah, commissions his servant to find a…
In this week’s Messianic Jewish Bible study, Josiah and Hosea Geoffrey explore the Torah Portion “Vayera” (Genesis 18:1-22:24), which recounts Lot’s escape from Sodom and Gomorrah’s destruction, as well as how Abraham’s faith is tested…
In this week’s Messianic Jewish Bible study, Josiah and Hosea Geoffrey explore the Torah Portion “Lekh-L’kha” (Genesis 12:1-17:27), which begins the story of Abraham (originally named Abram), a man of faith with whom God makes…
In this week’s Messianic Jewish Bible study, Josiah and Hosea Geoffrey explore the Torah Portion “Noach” (Genesis 6:9-11:32), which describes God’s judgment of mankind through a global Flood, His salvation of Noah through an Ark,…
In this week’s Bible study, Messianic Jewish brothers Josiah and Hosea Geoffrey explore the Torah Portion “B’reshiyt” (Genesis 1:1-6:8), which covers the events of Creation, the Fall, and mankind’s rapid descent into complete evil. Was…
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