In this week’s Messianic Jewish Bible study, Josiah and Hosea Geoffrey explore the Torah Portion “Vayaq’hel” (Exodus 35:1-38:20), which tells how Israel generously supplies the materials needed to build the Tabernacle, and how God calls…
In this week’s Messianic Jewish Bible study, Josiah and Hosea Geoffrey explore the Torah Portion “Kiy Tisa” (Exodus 30:11-34:35), which recounts Israel’s idolatrous rebellion against God by making a golden calf, and Moses’ intercession on…
In this week’s Messianic Jewish Bible study, Josiah and Hosea Geoffrey explore the Torah Portion “T’tzaveh” (Exodus 27:20-30:10), in which Moses receives instructions for establishing the priesthood of Aaron and his sons, describing their holy…
In this week’s Messianic Jewish Bible study, Josiah and Hosea Geoffrey explore the Torah Portion “T’rumah” (Exodus 25:1-27:19), in which Moses receives the instructions for the Tabernacle (or Mish’kan)—the holy tent where God will dwell…
In this week’s Messianic Jewish Bible study, Josiah and Hosea Geoffrey explore the Torah Portion “Mish’patiym” (Exodus 21:1-24:18), in which God instructs Moses about slavery, punishments for various crimes, and God’s rewards for obedience, all…
In this week’s Messianic Jewish Bible study, Josiah and Hosea Geoffrey explore the Torah Portion “Yit’ro” (Exodus 18:1-20:23(26)), which describes Moses’ reunion with his father-in-law Jethro, and Israel’s arrival at Mount Sinai, where God reveals…
In this week’s Messianic Jewish Bible study, Josiah and Hosea Geoffrey explore the Torah Portion “B’shalach” (Exodus 13:17-17:16), which recounts how God gives Israel final salvation from the Egyptians by the parting of the Red…
In this week’s Messianic Jewish Bible study, Josiah and Hosea Geoffrey explore the Torah Portion “Bo” (Exodus 10:1-13:16), which describes the final three plagues sent by God against Egypt, and how the blood of the…
In this week’s Messianic Jewish Bible study, Josiah and Hosea Geoffrey explore the Torah Portion “Vaera” (Exodus 6:2-9:35), which tells of the confrontation between Moses the man of God and Pharaoh king of Egypt, as…
In this week’s Messianic Jewish Bible study, Josiah and Hosea Geoffrey explore the Torah Portion “Sh’mot” (Exodus 1:1-6:1), which describes the suffering of Israel under the harsh slavery of Egypt, and how God preserved and…
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