Of all the millions of books, websites and videos; thousands of Bible teachers of all shapes and theologies; and hundreds of doctrinal statements, commentaries and catechisms, there is only one source with God-given authority to perfectly interpret Scripture. In this episode, Kevin demonstrates the importance of looking first (and often, looking only) to Scripture any time we need to understand Scripture.
Recent research shows that the most popular worldview in the United States is a fake, soft, twisted form of Christianity that has also infected not just the Christian Church, but the Messianic Jewish Movement as well. In this episode, Kevin arms you with the truth by breaking down “Moralistic Therapeutic Deism,” and comparing its false beliefs to what the Scriptures actually say.
Finding answers in the Bible isn’t always as simple as picking up the Book and reading it. Sometimes, we need help finding what we’re looking for. Thankfully, there are resources to help us do just that—while there are others that can contaminate our understanding. Join Kevin in this introduction to Bible study tools, as he shares his unique perspective on how anyone can correctly study the Bible.
The Messiah Yeshua is God in the flesh. But why would God need to enter humanity in this way? Can Yeshua truly be just a man if He is also truly God? Does Yeshua’s equal humanness also hold equal significance for our faith? This episode explores why Yeshua’s humanity is not only crucial for our salvation, but for our daily life as His disciples. This episode is Part 2 of a two part exploration of what the Scriptures say concerning the deity and humanity of Yeshua.
Does the Bible actually claim that Yeshua (Jesus) is God? Or is this just some absurd, unsupported contrivance of Christianity? The biblical fact of Yeshua’s simultaneous, unmingled deity and humanity is more than just a theological sidenote or curiosity—it is at the heart of the message of the Good News. This episode is Part 1 of a two part exploration of what the Scriptures say concerning the deity and humanity of Yeshua.
The Bible claims that Yeshua is the Son of God, but how can the eternal Creator of the universe—the God of Israel—have a son? In this episode, Kevin explains from a Jewish perspective how the Hebrew Scriptures point to Yeshua as the Son of God, how the New Covenant Scriptures expound on that view, and the meaning that’s wrapped up in this most important title of the Messiah.
In an age of ever-increasing isolation and unhealthy independence, even believers in Yeshua are lacking meaningful relationships and true community. Kevin brings an encouraging reminder and exhortation from the Scriptures about how God really wants us to treat one another.
In an age of ever-increasing isolation and unhealthy independence, even believers in Yeshua are lacking meaningful relationships and true community. Kevin brings an encouraging reminder and exhortation from the Scriptures about how God really wants us to treat one another.
Everything we do, see, hear and say has a context, and when we ignore or are unaware of it, nearly everything can be misconstrued. Just as context is crucial to understanding life, it’s also crucial for comprehending God’s word. In fact, it’s impossible to fully understand the Bible without it. Kevin explains the concept of context with hand-on examples from Scripture in this foundational teaching.
If we as believers in Yeshua have been saved from our sins, then why do we keep going back to them? In this episode, Kevin explains from the Scriputres why believers continue to sin, and more importantly, what we need to do to stop!
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