If God is one—undivided—and the Scriptures are the written word of God, then why do we think that there can be more than one legitimate interpretation of the Bible? We apparently believe this to be so, since we allow ourselves to disagree with one another about what the Scriptures say. In this episode, Kevin challenges the concepts of denominations and doctrinal divisions, and exhorts us all in the only biblically correct way to interpret the Bible.
The Scriptures make it abundantly clear that Yeshua is coming again—returning in triumphant glory! But is His soon return really as imminent as many would like to believe? Is it true that right now, especially at this increasingly chilling time in modern history, that Yeshua could return at any moment? But what if the Bible says that there’s something else which needs to happen first?
Anyone who’s ever read the Bible knows that while the word of God holds the answers to the deepest, most profound questions of our lives, it can also leave us asking more questions. But if we want to know the truth of the Scriptures, then we must avoid asking the single most deceptive and diverting question of them all. In this episode, Kevin explains how this one question is the worst question anyone can ever ask for understanding the Bible.
When believers in Yeshua say that they’re “Messianic,” what exactly do they mean? Does it mean they hold strange, unbiblical beliefs? Does it represent a profound, scriptural understanding of the faith not embraced by traditional Christianity? Could it be a combination of both? In this episode, Kevin explores the origins and meaning of the word “messianic,” both from a biblical perspective, and from his perspective as a Messianic Jew.
A common criticism of and among believers is that we take the Bible too literally—or, not literally enough. So are we supposed to take the Bible literally, or not? And if so, what does that mean? In this episode, Kevin explores this concept along with a look at the different types of literary genres and figures of speech found in the masterpiece of literature: the Bible.
As believers in Yeshua (Jesus), do we have a biblical obligation to fight for American constitutional freedoms? How far, if it all, do we personally have to go to preserve and protect those civil liberties? In this episode, Kevin shares his own personal journey through the Bible in search of patriotic answers.
Many of us rely on secondary sources such as Bible dictionaries, commentaries and the religious writings of our various faith traditions for studying and understanding the Bible. But, on balance, do these and other resources do more harm than good? In this episode, Kevin takes a dive into the world of extra-biblical, secondary Bible sources, with some fascinating and mind-boggling results.
Passover is perhaps the most widely observed Jewish holiday, carrying with it thousands of years of history and rich tradition. And yet, most of what is typically observed today in the central ceremony of Pesach—the Passover Seder—isn’t biblical. In this episode, Kevin seeks to elevate the the written word of God by considering the origins of the traditional food elements on the Seder plate, and then offering a scriptural alternative to the traditional Seder.
Of all the millions of books, websites and videos; thousands of Bible teachers of all shapes and theologies; and hundreds of doctrinal statements, commentaries and catechisms, there is only one source with God-given authority to perfectly interpret Scripture. In this episode, Kevin demonstrates the importance of looking first (and often, looking only) to Scripture any time we need to understand Scripture.
Recent research shows that the most popular worldview in the United States is a fake, soft, twisted form of Christianity that has also infected not just the Christian Church, but the Messianic Jewish Movement as well. In this episode, Kevin arms you with the truth by breaking down “Moralistic Therapeutic Deism,” and comparing its false beliefs to what the Scriptures actually say.
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