Kevin Geoffrey, born Kevin Geoffrey Berger, is the firstborn son of a first-generation American, non-religious, Jewish family. Ashamed of his lineage from childhood, he deliberately attempted to hide his identity as a Jew, legally changing his name as a young adult. After experiencing an apparently miraculous healing from an incurable disease, Kevin began to search for God. Eventually, he accepted Yeshua as Messiah, a decision which would ultimately lead him to be restored to his Jewish heritage. Today, Kevin is a strong advocate for the restoration of all Jewish believers in Yeshua to their distinct calling and identity as the faithful remnant of Israel.
In 2006, Kevin was licensed by the International Alliance of Messianic Congregations and Synagogues (IAMCS), and later ordained by Jewish Voice Ministries International. He has been involved in such endeavors as congregational planting, leadership development, and itinerant teaching, but is best known as a writer, having authored eight books to date, including Bearing the Standard: A Rallying Cry to Uphold the Scriptures. Kevin is also the editor of the Messianic Jewish Literal Translation of the New Covenant Scriptures (MJLT NCS). In addition to writing about uniquely Messianic Jewish topics, Kevin’s clear and impassioned teachings focus on true discipleship, radical life-commitment to Yeshua, and upholding the Scriptures as God’s perfect standard.
Kevin is a husband, a father, and also the principal laborer of both Perfect Word Ministries and MJMI. He currently resides in Phoenix, Arizona with his wife Esther and their four cherished sons, Isaac, Josiah, Hosea and Asher.
Perfect Word Media Ministry Mission & Vision
To expose biblical misinformation, ignorance and illiteracy by teaching the truth and reality of the Scriptures in a post-truth, post-reality world.
To produce at-least-weekly, internet-published audio and video content consisting of unsensationalistic, sound, bible teachings and presentations for anyone who is concerned for our collective future, and wants to know the truth of the Scriptures. The media ministry’s goal is to prepare this generation and the next for the coming oppression by arming God’s people with a reliable, logical, spiritual foundation in the Scriptures, resulting in a practical, rational, biblical understanding by which to persevere in the faith of the Messiah Yeshua. According to the pattern of 2 Timothy 3:16, the media ministry’s aim is to uphold “every Scripture”—the whole “God-breathed” Bible—for
- teaching only according to the written word of God, and not the theological, intellectual or spiritual philosophies of man,
- refuting, confronting and correcting beliefs and ideas that run contrary to or undermine the Scriptures,
- setting aright those who have been misled and have become weak and ineffective for Messiah by following inadequate or harmful teachings,
- and instruction that is in righteousness—returning to the straight and simple path of God’s word—“so that the man of God may be fully equipped” and completed toward the accomplishing of every good act, in order to perpetuate the hope of the Messiah and the message of the Scriptures.