What does the Holy Spirit do? How do we connect with Him? What are the means and methods by which He interacts with us, empowering us to live our new life in Messiah? In this second part of a 3-part series, Kevin explores the Scriptures to discover more about the ways that God's Spirit comes into contact with our own, and how the Ruach accomplishes His work in us to move and activate us spiritually.Read more
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Ep. 75 | Why We Need the Holy Spirit (Spirit Series Pt. 3)
What is the role of the Ruach HaQodesh in our lives? How do we yield to and move in Him? What does it mean to walk in the Spirit? In this final part of a 3-part series, Kevin surveys the Scriptures to illustrate how the Spirit of God can and desires to impact our daily lives both indirectly and inwardly. Read More